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Writer's pictureVUA Val Patton

To Empower or Not!

Proverbs 17:2-4 The Message A wise servant takes charge of an unruly child and is honored as one of the family. As silver in a crucible and gold in a pan, so our lives are refined by God. Evil people relish malicious conversation, the ears of liars itch for dirty gossip.

How are you doing? Spring has sprung! The wonders of God…birds chirping, trees sprouting, annuals pushing through the earth, yards turning green, more daylight, warmer temperatures, and the list goes on! Do you sit in awe just taking it all in and saying thank you Lord? I do!

One on my favorite books in the Bible is Proverbs. There is so much wisdom and so many lessons to learn! It was one of my maternal grandfather’s favorite books too! I can hear him as I type reciting something from Proverbs! In my previous blog, I shared about transactional vs. relational! Since writing the blog, I have been in deep thought about leadership and some of its tenants. As I write today, the words jumping out at me are empowerment and credibility. As defined by empowerment, a noun, is the giving or delegation of power or authority; authorization of the giving of an ability; enablement or permission and credibility, a noun, is the quality of being believable or worthy of trust.

I think of my style as a leader. I have learned so much in my leadership journey...especially what not to do. When leading people, you must take time to engage with the whole person, not a fraction thereof or what makes you comfortable. You must listen, guide, love and yes, I said love the person for who they are and what they are contributing. You should provide support, help them navigate the “game,” teach, counsel, and assist them in finding the resources they need to be successful...just to name a few. Remember every person is uniquely created by God and has had different lived experiences which we should honor and value! You must let people lead! Micromanaging gets you nothing or nowhere! It generates less productivity, more frustration, and resentment! People are our greatest assets! Know this: our influence has little or nothing to do with position or title, but has everything to do with how we live our life and how we treat others! It is not the education we receive but how we empower and make a difference for others!

As you know this is #StuffValSaid, but what do you say? Are you the same person no matter what? Do you make decisions based on how they benefit you? Do you recognize the efforts of others for what they contribute? Do you work harder on image or integrity?

• Consistency – to be steadfast

• Choices – to have sound reasoning

• Credit – to honor

• Character – to be of good courage

• Credibility – to be trustworthy

We must walk the walk and talk the talk! Mark 12:30-31 The Message Jesus said, “The first in importance is, ‘Listen, Israel: The Lord your God is one; so love the Lord God with all your passion and prayer and intelligence and energy.’ And here is the second: ‘Love others as well as you love yourself.’ There is no other commandment that ranks with these.”

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