I’m puzzled! We are coming off the holiday weekend! What happened to civility and basic care for others? Is it people just don’t give a darn about others? Many want to do what they want without the basic respect and care for others or following the rules! Is this freedom??? Do you think your fun supersedes everything else? Though fireworks are dangerous, can cause harm to people and property and illegal in most communities, you shoot them anyway! Help me to understand why I heard fireworks well after midnight not only before the official holiday but afterwards as well? Why is it when I left my home to go to my place of employment, my yard, my neighbor’s yard, and the street were littered with the debris from the fireworks? At least clean up your mess! For those of you shooting the fireworks, did you ever think the people around you may be traumatized as they served in the armed services in the real Beirut, Afghanistan, Vietnam or any other war. They could now suffer from Post-Traumatic Stress Syndrome (PTSD) or they may have an animal who goes crazy at the sounds, or have a baby awakened and crying, or an elderly person living alone, or someone who is resting because they have to go to work? Come on people let us show respect to each other! Though you may be having a good time, others are not! WE must learn and practice respect not when convenient but always!
This past Sunday I was humbled and honored to give the homily! The text was Mark 6:1-13. As I reflect on the text and message, we must remember…who you are, what you believe, why you are there, what you are to do, and to have courage to proclaim it, no matter what! How does this connect to fireworks? Remember we must be accountable and responsible not popular or afraid! We need to stand our ground on what is right even though we may be rejected! WE must learn to speak the truth and challenge! If you are preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ, you are going to make some people squirm with discomfort. Jesus invited his disciples, not to a life of respect, but a life of remembering! That may mean calling law enforcement, but I would hope and pray you could have a conversation with those who are showing a lack of respect. I would hope a conversation would help one to understand their actions and how those actions affect others…not a conversation which results in a negative outcome such as gun violence! We have to do better! This is not about being right but doing right! This is not about control because you are intimidated or fearful! It is about care, love and support of all humanity no matter what!
How are you my brothers and sisters? As I sit and reflect on my weekend, I find my soul and spirit continue to be on fire! I had the kind of weekend which brought many hours of reflection and rest along with doing one of the many things I love, working in the yard. It is something about working in the yard which brings me great peace and joy! Truly settles my spirit! I had the opportunity to catch up on social media. There were many inspiring and inspirational posts. In the post from The Open Mind, Geraldine Vermaak stated “Being rude is easy. It does not take any effort and is sign of weakness and insecurity. Kindness shows great self-discipline and strong self-esteem. Being kind is not always easy when dealing with rude people. Kindness is a sign of a person who has done a lot of personal work and has come to a great self-understanding and wisdom. Choose to be kind over right, and you’ll be right every time because kindness is a sign of strength.” Being humble, gracious, and showing respect will always set you apart from the rest. Be there to care for and respect your brother and sister!
As you know this is #StuffValSaid, but what do you say? When is the last time you spoke up or acted in a situation that lead to you being unpopular, but it was the right thing to do? When have you consciously though about what you said or did and how it affected others? When is the last time welcomed the stranger or loved the unlovable?
As said in Swahili, Ashay…” Be with us!!!” I love and honor you!!! Ubuntu “I am, because you are.”
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