…Hate the game!!! The Urban Dictionary provides several definitions of “Don't hate the player hate the game.” One of those definitions is ‘If someone (the player) is good at something (the game), don't hate them for it, or hate the thing they are good at, because you aren’t good at or even in the game.” I say this often. After many years of working in systems which were not constructed for Black Indigenous People of Color (BIPOC), we must learn the “game” to be effective playing the “game.” Said another way, “get the lesson so you can get the blessing.” Many times, we see those who are driven by fear and insecurities displaying behaviors and actions consciously or unconsciously to cause chaos and disruptions. Many times, these behaviors create lack of trust and decreased productivity. BIPOCs must learn the “game” to survive in the system where those who create the systems do not! Yes, many BIPOCs are tired and weary as the “games” created within the systems do not want to work with or acknowledge the innovation, creativity which is brought to the table every day by BIPOCs and others. In many cases what is seen and witnessed are individuals operating out of fear and insecurity be it conscious or unconscious. For the system to grow and thrive, we are going to have to examine where we are and realize if a part is not growing and thriving, we all are not!
How are you my brothers and sisters? As I sit and reflect on my weekend, I find my soul and spirit are on fire! I had a wonderfully busy weekend which included the opportunity to see gymnast, Simone Biles, do the darn thing! Yes, she is a G.O.A.T. To see her in person is sheer magic and brilliance! I never dreamed in a thousand years I would be in the audience to witness her pure precision and creativity. Always learning and always teaching! Along with Simone Biles’ pure genius you see what a true competitor she is which displays the utmost respect for those around her. Her spirit flowed through the Dome! She acknowledged and encouraged everyone around her! And yes, those she was competing against. What she realizes nothing is guaranteed or promised! She along with others worked hard! Simone is the utmost of leadership! And just think, she is 23 years old! She did not overpower others with her confidence and graciousness. She knows who she is and what she is bring to the “game”! Though she was on the beam, vaulted, glided on the floor, and flipped and twisted on the bars, she has a deep understanding it is a “we” game not an “I” game! We can all learn from Simone! Did you see her YouTube video where Simone shares with Jordan Chiles how proud she was of Jordan? That not only displays love but shows how we need to support each other no matter what! How many times has the “game” sent a different message? The lesson during the Olympic Trials and many other times is a sense of don’t hate appreciate! We do not need to minimize one’s accomplishments or abilities to get ahead! Being humble, gracious, and showing respect will always set you apart from the rest. Be there to support and encourage your brother and sister! Many of us would not be where we are today had we not had such encouragement, love, and support!
As you know this is #StuffValSaid, but what do you say? When is the last time you encouraged not criticized? When is the last time you respected someone who you thought did not respect you? How are you playing the “game?” Are you the “player” or are you being “played?”
2 Timothy 1:7 NRSV “for God did not give us a spirit of cowardice, but rather a spirit of power and of love and of self-discipline. “As said in Swahili, Ashay…” Be with us!!!” I love and honor you!!! Ubuntu “I am, because you are.”