Can you believe it!?!? Here we are the 1st day of December, the last month of the year and 24 days from one of the most anticipated holidays of the year, Christmas, the birth of Jesus! Sunday was the beginning of Advent, a new calendar year. We are in the season of preparation! Many are losing focus on the reason of the season! Jesus is the reason for the season! Oh yes, he is! Take a listen here as Kirk Franklin reminds us of this!
We are in the throes of rushing to get a myriad of things done by the end of the year such as paying taxes, buying gifts, taking unused vacation, house cleaning, and just stuff! Busy, busy , busy and not always paying attention or focusing on what IS! Have you reached out to someone who may be alone or lonely? Though the holiday season brings joy to many, it will bring despair or sadness to others. The devil is alive and in the midst of creating chaos and getting us off focus. We see it now more than ever: with leadership who lacks direction, care or concern; with a health and race pandemic; with our communities in trouble, gun violence, domestic violence, and other forms of violence like families being torn apart and killing our young people. There is too much despair and sadness; too many without access to healthcare, food, shelter and employment; and it appears Pharaoh just will not let our people go! The season has gotten noisy and many have lost focus on what IS!
One of my mama’s saying is “beware of the johnny jump ups.” So, what does that mean? She is referring to not being focused on what is a priority or needs attention versus what is not. I did not use the word important because what is important to one may not be important to someone else. There are always priorities and things which need attention. It is easy to start going in one direction and easily move to something else which has nothing to do what the original task is. We have lost sight on what is! Many are consumed with the latest, greatest gadget or the newest “thing.” What’s missing here…the lack of focus on the people…God’s people! We must refocus to make it about the people! Those that have gone before us and many now have taught what needs to be done to lift our brothers and sisters! We must be the examples for those coming after us! It is all about the people!
As you know this is #StuffValSaid, but what do you say? Where is your focus? What Johnny jump ups are trying to take you off track? How will you focus on what is? Here are a few things I would like to suggest:
• Target – be on point
• Purpose – be the reason
• Outcome – achieve a positive consequence
We need and we must be razor focused! It’s all about the people! One anothering! Let’s get to the work of being about the people so we are all growing and thriving together this season! I love you!